dinsdag 16 november 2010

Echelon Housewarming Party

After the amazing party we had 2 months ago in Tilburg, Saskia was a sweetheart to open her NEW home for us Echelon again on saturday November 13th! And boy did we warm that house up for her!

Marianne was creative enough to make a delicious MARS cake! But the cake alone wasn't everything! She even made little MARS flags to put in each individual piece of cake!

I can tell you, we all enjoyed the cake even more lookin' that damn good!

I can also inform you, that as the night was getting longer, the flags ended up in other places than just in the cake... For those who weren't there, that's all I'll say about that! :p

All this time, MARS was blasting in the background. Man, I for one never get tired of that music! ;)
We did eventually get tired of all the talking, lots of laughing and eating so we started making our beds!

We called it a night at around 3 am! Let's just say it was pretty cosy, 10 people on the living room floor, but it was fun above all!!!

The next morning people started coming back to life at around 10 am. Again it didn't last long before the music was put back on! Guess I really wasn't the only one who can't get tired of listening to our guys! ;)
When everybody was presentable again we had some brekkie, as you can see, some of us ate it on that oh so cosy floor LOL

All in all we had some serious hartfelt conversations, not all of them involved MARS, though I think most did. We had a lot of laughs, again, quite ofted MARS related fun! ;) With breakfast, somehow, those flags popped up again!

I guess it was our way of celebrating the 2 awards we won in the past month! Well deserved!!!

As it started to get dark again outside, we all said our goodbyes.

Big hugs for everyone!

From my part a big thank you to everyone who came! It was, as always, like a family reunion! We all feel the same way about certain things and you don't see that often! You all make me feel like I belong somewhere and make me feel comfortable and happy! I thank 30 Seconds to Mars again from the bottom of my heart for this family they created! It amazes me every time! And the music, that we can FEEL! I'm, again, extremely proud to be a part of it, to call myself an ECHELON!

And a special thank you to Saskia, for letting us all into her cosy, new home! It was amazing girl!

Hope to see you all in Oberhausen, one way or another!


2 opmerkingen:

  1. MARSHUG AND KISSES for you too!

    Great blogg, brings it all back!! Love you, sissie!

  2. Aaaahw thank you! YOU have a special place in my heart too sis! Loving the bracelet you gave me!!! XOXO
