vrijdag 29 oktober 2010

Closing a chapter

Almost 4 years ago I graduated as a nurse. The education was pretty difficult, but manageable ;) I had 3 different internships, one of which was absolutely horrible, and one was something I liked doing. I went from address to address and gave people the (medical) care they needed in their own homes. After I graduated, I decided to do this for a living. So for the past 3,5 years I've been helping people get showered, dressed, medicated, I'd take care of their wounds... What I came to find real early, was that it was pretty tough on my back! After 2 years it got to a point where I was absolutely done with this job, since my back would be killing me all the time! My employer helped me find solutions, I was examined to see what the cause of my back problems were, but they could never really tell. I went to therapy for almost a year, lost 19 kilo's in a year, had some minor addaptions in work, but nothing really made a difference. I started noticing that I'd always have to keep my back in mind, if I go somewhere, can I sit cuz I can't stand up all night. How long will the drive be, cuz I can't really drive for more that 2 hours... If I go out, or have a busy day, I have to make sure that the next day is gonna be an easy one, cuz I'll need the rest for my back... THIS SUCKS! I'm 22 years old, I shouldn't have to worrie about all of that all the time... After thinking about it for a long time and having many talks at work, I did realize that my job was the problem. All the bending, carrying... No matter how I do it, it always hurts. Therefor I've made the decision to stop doing this job. The only thing that kept me there for the past year is the money. It does pay well, but you have to work a lot, irregular, and it's not always as pleasant and thankfull as people may think. For a few months now, a lot of co-workers have been calling in sick, so those wo are working have to pick up what they leave behind. Extra shifts, more addresses to go to while you're working and a lot more stress. Me and stress... don't mix! I was done with it and told myself that I would quit as soon as I'd find another job.
The gym, where I've been going for over a year now, had a job opening! They needed someonw to work in the bar and as a receptionist! Exactly what I need! Walking, being busy, sitting down, working with people... I emmediately responded and this week I got the job. The pay isn't near as good as it is in healthcare, but the job isn't that demanding and I don't HAVE to work holidays anymore! That's a bonus! I'll meet new people, young people! Just what I need!
Today I officially quit my nursing job and everyone can know! ;) The only problem I have now is, I have to continue my job for 2 months!!! 0_0 DAMN! So for the next 2 months, I'm kinda working 2 jobs... With my back... Not a good idea, but I have to! I'll make some extra money, so untill January I'll be safe :p I really hope I can get a full contract next year at the gym and if not, this has been a nice inbetween and I'll look for something else! My heart tells me, that nursing wasn't really my thing after all, so I won't be going back there! I think :p

So all in all, this is a new chapter in my life although I still have to completely finish the previous one. Will do so december 31th ;) At least I won't have to work new years' day!!! HAHA! It's a risk I'm taking, but I need it, cuz believe me, doing a job you hate, especially when it's with medicine and people, is NO GOOD! And being in pain sure as hell isn't good for you!
People always say: Live your dreams ... I don't know if this is my dream, but what I used to do was a nightmare, so I guess it's a good think to wake up! Wish me luck everyone! I'm not good with taking chances, so I need all the thumbs up I can get ;)


vrijdag 22 oktober 2010

Weightloss update

It's been a while! I know and I'm sorry... ;)
About 3 weeks ago I told you that I had to get back on track ASAP! Well I did!
For the past 3 weeks I've been back on my diet and going to the gym 4/5 times a week! And I'm UBER glad to tell you that it paid off!
I was measured today, and I lost 2,5 kilo's and 12,5 centimetres again!!! In total that's 19 kilo's now!!! 0_0 And a little more than 2 dress sizes. Can't quite fit my ass into a smaller size yet, but I'm getting there! ;)
So 6 more kilo's and I've reached the goal I set for myself a year ago... And I did it all by my own damn self!!!
As you know I've hated the biggest part of it. And lately I have noticed that I'm more grumpy and edgy, but with this result I know what it was all for! Sorry to those effected by my mood swings, but besides my parents I don't think I bothered anyone with it... Well, just those reading my blogs too :p
Anyways... I told myself that I would buy another card to use the "Better Belly" at my gym if it made me loose at least 2 kilo's... And since it did I'm gonna do these past 3 weeks all over AGAIN! And hope that I'll loose some more of that awefull weight bugging me! And I really do wanna loose at least one more dress size before the end of this year!
My inspiration comes from people around me, people who've been through the same, but mostly myself! Seeing pictures of me, makes me feel so aweful and sad that it keeps me motivated to keep going and NEVER go back to that! I'm still me, only I feel and look better! I've said it before, I'm not there yet, but with every pound and inch I loose I come so much closer to my goal! And again, if I can do it, YOU can do it! All you need is willpower, strength and believe in yourself. It's there, you just have to find it and hold on to it!
And like me, you have to make yourself priority! Me loosing weight is more important than pretty much anything else right now and untill I've reached my goal, it'll stay that way!

This is history, this is my unhappy, and I don't ever wanna go throught that again!

zaterdag 9 oktober 2010

Picking up

So since this week I started my diet again!
Really this time!!! ;)
I take 2 shakes a day and have a fairly light meal for dinner! I'm also going to the gym regularly again! Been there 5 times this week! GOOD ME! :-D I'm now trying something called "Better Belly", I'm on the cross-trainer for 45 minutes and litterally sweat my ass off!!! It's brutal! Well, not brutal, but it's quite intense! Especially for someone who doesn't like to sweat to begin with! ;)
Anyways, it gives me more energy and it makes me damn proud of myself.
The only problem I'm facing now is that I feel it's okay to have a snack almost every day! I burn close to 400 calories everytime at the gym, and that's great for losing weight! But then I shouldn't be snacking obviously! Twice this weak I fell off the wagon! But, when I fall, I get back up again! ;) No harm done really, I didn't overload myself, just had some chocolate I shouldn't have bought in the first place! So I'm not doing that again!

I have also decided that I need to lose all the bad things in my life right now. Cuz when I'm unhappy it's poison to my diet! Right now, my job is the damn poison! There's a lot of great stuff to being a nurse, but lately it doesn't outweigh the negative sides to it. For the past year I've been staying at my job just for the money. My back hurts all the time, and believe me, old people can be very mean and disrespectful!!! And as the professional you have to take their crap! Litterally :-( I guess I'm just done with it! Pretty much all I do is wash people who in most cases are too lazy to do it themselves! That's not what I spend 3 years in school for! I'm throwing away all those years anyways by changing jobs and giving it all up right now kinda sucks, but I know in my heart that it's the right thing for me to do right now. Besides, my back always hurts when I'm working! It's just really hard on your body and mind I guess and I'm done with it!
As of next week I start working somewhere else... THE GYM! How about that??!! I was waiting for something to come along, and I think for now, this is it! I just hope that I can work more then what they offer me right now, cuz I'm losing a LOT of money compared to what I earn now! But at least I'll get a break and hopefully find what it is that I really wanna do in and with my life! Something I enjoy, and if that means making less money, well, so be it!
Right now I need to care about me and the most important thing still is losing some more weight! At least 7 more kilo's and I'm thinking maybe even a little more! I'll see.... I've reached all of my goals so far, so I can reach the ones I'm setting now aswel! It hasn't been easy, believe me! Finding exactly what you want in life can take a very long time! And even though I think I know exactly what I need, I don't have one freakin' clue! But, the sky is the limit! And I will always have some form of inspiration! When it comes to losing weight, lately it's kinda been the lead singer of my favorite band, he gained and lost alot of weight a while back! Although I do think he's lost a little too much, but it's probably cuz he's so very, very busy! One look at him still makes me think: 'DAMN! If he can do it, anyone can do it! I CAN DO IT!' I have done it, and I'm not stopping, giving up and I sure as hell ain't going back!

I love the sunrise! It can start again every day and be beautiful no matter what! One day even more beautiful than the day before! It's always there, we just gotta open our eyes and SEE it... If we open our eyes, we can see beauty in everything, even ourselves!

dinsdag 5 oktober 2010

Echelon Party

That we, as an Echelon family are close, we already knew! We meet each other at gigs waiting in line to see our heroes perform. We catch up on the good ol' internet sometimes and do some promo here and there. It's all part of being an Echelon!

But to have someone open up their home to have an Echelon PARTY is something I had never heard of, or could've ever imagined! Patti did open up her home for us and invited all the Echelon that wanted to come to have a great time with her and her incredibly talented boyfriend Thijs (all kudo's to him for his amazing Mars banners and artwork)

We did so on October 2nd at Patti's place in Tilburg, the Netherlands!
12 Echelon turned up and the fun started immediately! With 30 Seconds to Mars blasting in the background we talked a lot of Mars together. We shared home-made apple pie, champaine, French cheese, chocolates and Mars bracelets!

We had an absolute blast and ended the night with some hylarious interviews and pictures of the band! They simply ARE funny as hell!
9 of us spend the night at Patti's to keep the party going! It was around 6 am when the last of the die hards went to bed!

At around 10 am (that same morning) we had breakfast together. After breakfast some had to go home, but 6 of us stayed to watch some movies together... You guessed it, Jared Leto movies! (Shannon did pop up in one of them though WUAHAHA)

We shared some more Mars experiences and talked about a lot of other stuff too. We even popped out the windows to do a little promoting aswell... Couldn't resist with this amazing house and incredible banners!

Before we knew it, it was time for dinner and we decided to pick up some Chinese food.

After that we finally said our goodbyes and left home. I don't think it was easy for any of us, since we had so much fun! By now the amazing party had lasted for over 24 hours, and most of us had to work or go to school the next morning. We did agree to the fact, that these sort of things are gonna happen more often! We shouldn't just meet up at venues or promo's. We're gonna see each other more than that and SOONer than that too!

I have to say for myself, that this was an experience to remember! I'm still amazed with how much we're all effected by one band's music and how it brought us together. I'm prouder now, than I ever was before, to call myself an Echelon and I'm happy with all the sisters I've gained because of it! I love you guys and I can't wait to see you again!